Monday, June 25, 2012


In exactly one week I will be 16 years old.

It has been long awaited. But now as it get closer i can't but feel nervous.

This means I get to date, I get to drive at dark (which is mostly what i've wanted),  I get to bless the sacrament, and I get to get a job.

I think what i am most nervous about is the dating part, just the whole thing. hmmm... for my whole life its always been my older sisters who do all these things, now its  my turn and it just doesn't feel normal. 

These are all great things that I always wanted, but with that comes great responsibility. But i'm optimistic I can handle it.

But i'm mostly excited!! And I'm ready to make the change from child to adult, (well a teenager that is as responsible as an adult)! HOORAY!

Let the countdown begin!!
