Thursday, July 5, 2012

high school starts. Part 1

Well I guess before the summer ends I better write about my sophmore year. :)

The first day was weird, I felt weird, this is were all my much older sisters went to school, that was the normal, and I had to keep reminding myself that I go here now! And my sisters are graduated, married, in college, graduated from college, and two babies were coming! It was crazy. I went through the day, AP Biology, Algebra B/C, Honors English, Troyplayers, and Seminary. I loved troyplayers! And I was voted secretery! It was awesome. This day also started the preparation toward the gigantic AP Biology test, that I would be taking at the end of the year. I was scared! Already! Well, it finally became normal!  YAY!

The First Big Opportunity.
In Troyplayers we had decided to do a hilarious play, "Sleeping Beauty." I was excited to start getting acting again. But then I didn't have a monologue, and no time to get ready for one. So I quickly got one of the monolougues that my teacher, Miss Ludlow,  had and started to prepare. I had to go the next day and I had no idea how to perform it. Well long story I sucked, SUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKEEDD!, sucked,  sucked, suucked. And the bad part is that it was the first impression of my acting for the directors. So I knew that I definitely wouldn't get in and HEY i didn't.  But I was able to be a stage hand. And the play was amazing. Throughout the whole thing I hated it. It almost killed me (just an expression, it didn't actually kill me) not being able to be on stage with my peers, doing what I love. and that was when I vowed that I would be ready for every audition and be involved in every play that I could. 

Me cleaning the banister in sleeping beauty!

- The year before the did the play, "The Foreigner" It composed of all seniors and one sophomore, a very great girl that is a great friend. And they brought it back, because it was hilarious! And I got to be a part of the comeback. It wasn't very big, but it was pretty awesome to be a part of and meet all the old cast. I got to  be the trap door operator. It was pretty awesome! 

- Seminary was the best first tri. I had a great teacher and a great class! Brother Williams, you rock!! 

Topsy Turvy Broadway 
In Troyplayers, we didn't have a lot to do second tri, so we as a class (with the help of Mrs. Remington our AWESOME student teacher) we put on a show called Topsy Turvy Broadway. We took scenes from various plays and twisted them so they were different. I was editor and director of  Sobbin' Men with an amazing partner Jessica Hammar. It was from the song Sobbin' Women from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It was very fun working on it. My favorite one that I was in was Choreography from White Christmas, we took the song and made dance out of it making fun of modern style dancing, it was super fun and where i learned that i love to tap dance. Mrs. Remington choreographed it. It was a great experience. it was also really tight and a lot of us had doubts that we would pull it of, but we did it and it was amazing.
The notorious Won't Say I'm in Love fron Hercules, yes us guys are Meg and Muses!

I Need a Hero from Grease. You can't see it but i'm super man!

Sobbin'  Men

The Scarlet Pimpernel
I had been ready all year. I had a great monologue, a great song. I auditioned it went great. I got a callback and was stoked. All I wanted was a part! And I got one! It wasn't exactly a lead, but let me  just say, my name was on the poster! :) I played Ben, one of Percy's bounders. We spent around three months rehearsing and I started to love the play! It was awesome and will forever be one of my favorite plays that i was in and generally just love. I also got to meet a great buddy, Maxwell Peterson, he is so funny.
Me and Max after the last night.

Percy and his bounders.
Chauvelin is so scary!
"If we have to dress like Cleopatra then we will!!"
I'm in disguise as a drunken passed out garden gnome. hehe 
Into the Fire
That is just a really funny picture of me during  Scarlet Pimpernel.  I had just barley gotten make up in my mouth and some one took a picture.

Well i don't know how much more space I have so i guess this is a little more than half of my year.